UPDATE ON REFUGEE RESETTLEMENTPursuant to President Trump's executive order, Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program, refugee resettlement has been paused for at least 90 days for a review of the program. All scheduled travel for refugees was cancelled, and all refugee processing has stopped. This includes a number of cases that we had assured for resettlement for FY 2025, along with a few cases that had travel scheduled for February.
While this greatly affects our work, and negatively impact families here waiting to reunite with loved ones, our commitment to welcoming and supporting New Americans to Greater Grand Forks is unwavering. Read Church World Service's statement on the executive order and their call to action. |
Now, more than ever, Global Friends and our refugee families need your support.
Please consider a gift on or before Giving Hearts Day on Thursday, February 13th. Early giving is open through February 12th, or you can give the day of the event on the 13th. This year, thanks to our amazing supporters, we have secured a match of $16,000. You can make a donation online here. Or, you can give via check. Please write "Giving Hearts Day" on the memo line and drop off your check or mail to: Global Friends Coalition 1815 Demers Ave. Grand Forks, ND 58201 Checks must be received by February 13th to be counted towards the Giving Hearts total. |
Mondays 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM United Lutheran Church (324 Chestnut St) No pre-registration required - simply show up! Join us for our weekly beginner English class on Mondays at 4:30pm. The class is intended for beginner English learners. Children can remain with their parent(s). |
INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH CLASSIntermediate Current Events Class
Wednesdays 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Classes held virtually on Zoom You need to register in order to get the Zoom Link (call 701-746-8233 or email [email protected]) This class uses a newspaper called, "Easy English News" and covers current events, plus a variety of topics. You must be able to read, write, and speak English to join. |
ENGLISH HELP & MENTORINGAre you looking for a mentor, tutor, or friend for the family? We can help! Fill out our form and we will be in contact with you within the next couple of days.
EDUCATENew Americans through English and citizenship classes, and the broader community through conversations, presentations, and events.
EMPOWERNew Americans through mentorship, leadership, and community involvement opportunities.
EMBRACENew Americans by fostering a more welcoming, equitable, and accessible community through outreach and advocacy. Photo by Andrea Bisenius/Busy Bee Photography.